Weight Loss

Is It Better To Inject Mounjaro In Stomach Or Thigh?

By October 26, 2023 No Comments
Mounjaro Bellevue—also called tirzepatide—is an injectable medication that can help patients lose and manage weight. It is a second generation of semaglutide weight loss injections that may offer better results and fewer side effects to some people. After receiving their prescription, patients generally learn to perform the injections themselves. Provided with three different possible injection locations—the upper arm, stomach, and thigh—patients frequently ask questions like, “Is it better to inject Mounjaro in stomach or thigh?  

How Mounjaro Works

When injected into the issue, Mounjaro mimics and intergrates with appetite and hunger hormones. This helps reduce cravings, hunger, and how much a person eats. This helps promote weight loss. Though, it is best used in conjunction with diet and exercise.    The medication is injected into one of the three aforementioned areas because they tend to have a good amount of fat and/or tissue where the medication can quickly and easy reach the bloodstream. Additionally, the upper arm, stomach, and thigh are very vascular which makes them ideal for injectable medications meant to work quickly.  

Is One Area Better?

No, injecting Mounjaro Bellevue into the upper arm, thigh, or stomach will all provide equally effective results. However, it is recommended that patients rotate the area they inject during each weekly injection. This has nothing to do with the efficacy of the medication. Rather, it helps reduce skin irritation and give the most recently injected area time to heal. This also prevents infections, rashes, or further skin lesions due to continuous injection in the same area.  

How Does This Compare To Similar Medications?

The instructions for injecting Ozempic—or semaglutide—are the same. While the injections are shallow and only use a small needle, injecting in the same area week after week may cause irritation or infection. To avoid this, The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery’s providers recommend rotating areas in three week cycles. Therefore, for the three injections in a three week period, they would all be in a different location.  

Does Mounjaro Target The Areas It’s Injected In?

  No, weight loss occurs all over the body and cannot happen in a localized manner with Mounjaro or Ozempic. These areas serve as ways for the medication to reach where it needs to be quickly. Now, with weight loss, patients are likely to see the stomach, thighs, and arms get smaller,  but this is due to the overall affect of the medication and not because those are the specific areas injected.  


There is not one of the three tirzepatide injection sites that is better than the areas. The medication itself simply relies on a vascular and fatty areas to be effective. Once prescribed Mounjaro Bellevue, a provider will instruct you how to inject it correctly and safely. Most patients have no issues, but we do offer in-office injections for local patients.   To learn more and schedule a semaglutide weight loss or Mounjaro consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. Patients can also reach out online via chat, contact form, or Price Simulator. Initial consultations—both in person and virtual—can be made through our online booking portal.
Dr. Craig Jonov specializes in plastic surgery of the face, breast, and body and has decades of experience providing the top surgical and non-surgical cosmetic services.