
Facelift Bellevue: How Long Does A Facelift Take To Heal?

By December 21, 2020 No Comments
Facelift plastic surgery is among one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries of the face. Addressing the early signs of aging and lifting the lower the face, facelift patients are often excited by the possibilities the procedure offers. They also want to know about the recovery process and a common question is: how long does a facelift take to heal?The amount of time it takes for a facelift to heal will vary from patient to patient. Factors like age, general health, lifestyle, the extent of the surgery, and if recovery instructions are followed. Most patients can expect to return to work and the majority of their daily activities in seven to ten days. Some patients may find themselves up and about before then. However, it is important to rest and take it easy. This will promote recovery and contribute to an overall faster healing process. As far as when you can expect to see results and everything fully healed, it can take up to a year for the skin and tissues to settle well. Most side effects dissipate in about ten days, although some swelling can hang on for a few weeks. Normally, it becomes concealable in a week or so. Within a few weeks to months, patients see the beginning of their results and they continue to improve over the first year.To schedule a consultation with Dr. Jonov, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also contact us online via our contact form, Price Simulator™, or chat.
Dr. Craig Jonov specializes in plastic surgery of the face, breast, and body and has decades of experience providing the top surgical and non-surgical cosmetic services.