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When Do You Regain Feeling In Nipples After Breast Augmentation?

By February 28, 2022 No Comments
Breast augmentation–like all surgeries–comes with some temporary side effects such as swelling, bruising, and numbness. In most cases, these resolve within a few weeks and are managed via prescription medications and aftercare. One of the most common concerns is loss of nipple sensation which can occur following breast augmentation surgery. Let’s look further into the frequently asked question, “When do you regain feeling in the nipples after breast augmentation?” First off, it should be noted that not all patients will experience loss of sensation in the nipples after surgery. While they likely will be numb immediately after surgery due to anesthetics, this will gradually wear off over one to two days. If you had a transaxillary or transumbilical breast augmentation, the nipples are less likely to be affected. If you do experience loss of nipple sensation, it can take time to resolve. Many will begin getting some feeling back within two to three months after surgery. However, it can take a year or more to resolve in some patients. Though, it is more common for those who underwent a periareolar incision to experience longer loss of sensation than those of any other incision. Most patients experience a full or nearly full return of sensation within one year. To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online using Price Simulator, chat, or contact form.
Dr. Craig Jonov specializes in plastic surgery of the face, breast, and body and has decades of experience providing the top surgical and non-surgical cosmetic services.