Like any surgical procedure, plastic surgeries require rest and recovery time. At The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery, our routine post-operative instructions require a patient to have a caregiver for the first 24 hours after surgery. There are many reasons The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery considers caregivers after plastic surgery a necessity. Firstly, major complications from surgery are most likely to happen in the first 24 hours. This is due to many factors including, complications associated with general anesthesia, and the body returning to normal function following surgery. While major complications rarely happen, it is important that they are handled well if they do. Secondly, patients often do not have full range of movement and experience pain following surgery. Caregivers can ensure the patient rests adequately and is taken care of. They may also need help moving around to prevent blood clots or use the bathroom. Finally, caregivers provide vital emotional support. Plastic surgery causes a variety of emotions in patients and it is important they feel supported. While Dr. Jonov and The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery team support patients as much as possible at post-op appointments, having a trusted person with them following surgery can make recovery more bearable. To schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561 or contact us online

A Brazilian butt lift is a surgical procedure that transfers fat from one area of the body and into the buttocks. Dr. Jonov performs liposuction on one or multiple areas to sculpt new contours and enhance the size and shape of the booty. Most cosmetic surgery patients desire the least invasive surgery possible. At The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery, Dr. Jonov performs non-invasive BBL surgeries and provides non-surgical options. For surgical options, Dr. Jonov uses a minimal incision for the liposuction cannula and injects the fat with precision. In most cases, a BBL is a fairly non-invasive surgery overall. Liposuction encompasses the most invasive aspect of the surgery in most cases. Non-surgical BBLs have become more popular and usually do not require general anesthesia like a surgical Brazilian butt lift. Non-surgical Brazilian butt lift procedures typically use Sculptra, natural growth factors, or a combination for non-surgical butt augmentation. These are some of the least invasive BBL methods. Dr. Craig Jonov of The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery performs many Brazilian butt lift procedures every month and is among one of the best Bellevue cosmetic surgeons. To schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561 or contact us online at https://www.cosmeticsurgeryforyou.com/

Liposuction is one of the most misunderstood plastic surgery procedures. It is not a weight loss surgery. However, it can completely transform the body. One of the questions patients often ask when looking at a procedure like liposuction is, “How much fat can be liposuctioned at once?” or “How much fat can lipo remove?” The answers to these questions will vary based on individual patient health, treatment area, and other procedures they are receiving at the same time. In general, the majority of liposuction procedures will not remove more than ten to fifteen pounds of fat. Most lipo procedures remove much less than that. Often, larger lipo surgeries remove fat from multiple areas of the body versus one treatment area. This accounts for small portions of fat from multiple areas of the body. This is typically the safest way ten pounds of fat is removed with liposuction. It is possible to liposuction more than fifteen pounds, but the surgery becomes higher risk and is not suitable in most cases. Usually, lipo is performed on diet and exercise resistant fat, or to define the body’s features. When interested in liposuction, Dr. Jonov will discuss if lipo or another procedure such as a tummy tuck may better serve your needs. To schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561 or contact us online.

One of the major concerns about laser tattoo removal is scarring. Patients worry that the laser will burn or leave behind a scar following treatment. In truth, laser tattoo removal rarely scars. There are many sources of this myth that laser tattoo removal scars. Firstly, getting a tattoo can cause scarring. It is not uncommon for a tattoo to leave some scarring, which may not be visible or evident until the tattoo has faded or is removed using lasers. This can make it appear that the laser caused the scar, when in actuality, it was there the entire time. Secondly, scarring can occur if patients do not follow proper aftercare procedure. The tattoo and the skin surrounding the tattoo should not be exposed to the sun and kept covered under clothing when going outside. Your master esthetician will likely recommend the use of a broad spectrum SPF to protect the skin from UV rays and the sun. Finally, if you are known to scar, or are prone to keloids or hypertrophic scars, scarring from laser tattoo removal is more likely. In these patients, your master esthetician will evaluate your individual risk for scarring, detail your options, and recommend the proper course of action.To schedule a laser tattoo removal consultation to determine your candidacy for treatment, call 425-775-3561 or contact us online.

When most people think of plastic surgery, the ears may not spring to mind as a body part that people seek to change. However, cosmetic ear surgery, or otoplasty, is a procedure that can change the position, size, and shape of the ears. Most often an otoplasty corrects ears that stick out, this is known as “ear pinning” surgery. Otoplasty can correct birth defects, injuries that altered the shape of the ear, or if someone is simply unhappy with the appearance of the ears. It is a simple procedure that normally does not take longer than a couple hours. Additionally, even if the birth defect or issue only afflicts one ear, both ears are usually operated on to maximize symmetry and lead to the best result. Occasionally, only one ear is treated, but this is rare. Patients can undergo the procedure as soon as the ears fully form, so normally anytime after age five. Adults and children undergo the procedure frequently in the United States. It is generally a well tolerated surgery and most patients recover quickly with little scarring. While incision placement will vary based on the goals of the procedure, most otoplasty incisions are hidden behind or in the natural creases of the ear. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Craig Jonov, call us at 425-775-3561 or contact us online
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