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How Long Do Marionette Fillers Last

How Long Do Marionette Fillers Last?

By | Injectable Fillers, Injectables
The marionette lines are vertical lines that run between the corners of the mouth and the lower face. They typically occur due to age-related volume loss and skin sagging. Therefore, injectables such as Botox will not prevent these wrinkles from forming. Dermal fillers can help disguise the marionette lines for a younger appearance. But, how long do marionette fillers last?The exact length of time patients can enjoy their marionette filler results will depend on biological factors as well as the filler used. First, a patient’s metabolism helps determine how quickly the body breaks down the filler. Thus, people with faster metabolisms may not see filler last as long in their bodies.The type of filler used also matters. Most of the fillers used for marionette lines are hyaluronic acid based. Thus, they last anywhere from about six to twelve months on average. For more severe lines, patients may undergo Sculptra injections for the marionette lines which will result in longer lasting results. Sculptra also stimulates a collagen response which can help provide some permanent results. On average, Sculptra lasts around two years. To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online via chat, contact us form, or Price Simulator.
A Photo For A Blog Post About Does Temple Filler Migrate

Does Temple Filler Migrate?

By | Injectable Fillers, Injectables
Temple filler consists of dermal fillers injected into the temple area. This helps to address hollowing in the temples due to age, weight loss, or genetics. It can also help lift the eyes and create a more heart-shaped face. Since temple filler is still not common among the casual filler patient, patients often have questions such as, “Does temple filler migrate?”Any filler injected in any area of the face has the potential to migrate. Overall, filler migration is rare and if it does occur, it generally does cause any major effects and can be dissolved and reinjected. However, in the temple, the bone structure makes it extremely hard for the filler to move anywhere.Temple filler migration likely indicates the filler was injected too superficially and not deep enough so that the temporal boney fossa can hold it in place. As long as hyaluronic acid fillers are used, the filler can be dissolved with hyaluronidase injections and reinjected correctly.To learn more about temple fillers or to schedule a free consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online via chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.
A Photo For A Blog Post About Who Is Not Suitable For Tear Trough Filler

Who Is Not Suitable For Tear Trough Filler?

By | Injectable Fillers, Injectables
Tear trough filler—more commonly known as under eye filler—is a great way to fill in sunken or hollowed under eyes. However, not everyone is a good candidate for this dermal filler procedure. While it is safe and low risk overall, some people may better benefit from other options or simply not be a good candidate for any fillers. Let’s look at the question, “Who is not suitable for tear trough filler?” First, if you have ever broken or injured the orbital bone, most injectors will not perform tear trough filler. While there are some exceptions to this, it is generally not a good idea to do, especially if the break was within the recent past. Additionally, certain medical conditions such as ones that may cause excessive bleeding or which severely compromise the immune system. Second, if you have extra skin on the lower eyelids, you may benefit more from a lower blepharoplasty surgery first. You may become a candidate for tear trough filler after, but removing extra skin and tightening the remaining skin is the first step for under eye rejuvenation for these patients. Finally, anyone interested in semi-permanent fillers like Sculptra or Radiesse. These fillers cannot be used under the eyes. If the patient is okay with using hyaluronic acid fillers for this procedure, then they may be able to undergo it. To learn more and schedule a free consultation with an injector, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online via chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.
A Photo For A Blog Post About Is Chin Augmentation Worth It

Is Chin Augmentation Worth It?

By | Face, Chin Augmentation, Injectable Fillers
Chin augmentation—whether done with an implant or dermal fillers—is a procedure that is perfect for good candidates, but can cause seriously bad results for patients who are not good candidates. This can lead patients to become weary of any chin augmentation procedure and ask, “Is chin augmentation worth it?” In the right patient who has a recessed chin, chin augmentation is absolutely worth it. The procedure brings the facial thirds into alignment and enhances facial symmetry and balance. It can also help create a sharper and slimmer looking jawline. Dr. Jonov or your provider at The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery can examine your facial structure to determine if you are a good candidate for chin augmentation.  In the wrong patient, chin augmentation can cause the chin to protrude too much and throw off facial balance. Usually, this is due to poor patient screening or over injection of filler. The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery’s providers work to ensure that your treatment plan is right for you. To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online via chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.
A Photo For A Blog Post About How Painful Is Smile Line Filler

How Painful Is Smile Line Filler?

By | Injectable Fillers, Injectables
Smile line filler—also referred to as nasolabial fold filler—is a popular procedure that helps fill in and disguise the folds that extend from the nose to the corners of your mouth. The procedure requires precision and expertise because it is easy to overfill the area and create a puffy appearance. Additionally, many people with smile lines may not necessarily be good candidates. However, for those who are, they often ask, “How painful is smile line filler?”For the most part, the smile line filler treatment is not overly painful. Patients generally remain fairly comfortable during the procedure. Topical numbing cream is usually applied before the injections. Also, since hyaluronic acid fillers are the most commonly used, most of them also contain a small amount of lidocaine to ease the injections during the process.It is normal to feel some slight discomfort, but for most patients, this is completely bearable. Our injectors can also use a vibration device that helps distract your brain from the feeling of the injection. We have several pain management options available for your smile line filler injections.To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online via chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.
A Photo For A Blog Post About Is Filler Good For Marionette Lines

Is Filler Good For Marionette Lines?

By | Injectable Fillers, Injectables

Is Filler Good For Marionette Lines?

Marionette lines are lines that form along the corners of the mouth and go downward toward the chin. They are called marionette lines because they resemble the lines a marionette puppet has to help move their mouth. In many people, marionette lines do not become prominent until they have reached more advanced signs of aging, or they may never appear. For patients who do see them appear earlier on in the aging process, dermal fillers are often the recommended treatment. So, is filler good for marionette lines?The cause of marionette lines is volume and collagen loss. While the movement of the mouth may have some impact on the formation of the lines, the muscle groups themselves do not form the lines when moving it. Therefore, Botox and similar products are unlikely to make a difference in the appearance of marionette lines.On the other hand, dermal fillers can help restore some of the lost volume and plump the area to help restore it to a more youthful appearance. Often, hyaluronic acid fillers such as Restylane and Juvederm are used, but in some cases, Sculptra or Radiesse may be recommended. This is usually when the marionette lines are exceptionally prominent and other treatments like facelift surgery are not necessary or would not alleviate the lines.To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online via chat, contact form, and Price Simulator.
A Photo For A Blog Post About Do Lip Fillers Damage Your Lips

Do Lip Fillers Damage Your Lips?

By | Juvederm®, Injectable Fillers, Restylane® SILK

Do Lip Fillers Damage Your Lips?

 As one of the top cosmetic procedures of the past decade, people have many questions about lip filler injections. From which is better between Juvederm and Restylane to the risks of the procedure, patients want to know as much as possible before undergoing lip filler injections. At The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery, we foster an environment of transparency and patient education. Thus, we do our best to answer all questions they may have. One question patients sometimes ask is, “Do lip fillers damage your lips?” Lip fillers—when administered properly and with hyaluronic acid fillers—are unlikely to cause damage to your lips. The needle pricks will heal like any other needle poke on your body. Thus, most of the time, there is no scarring and the lips will return to normal once the filler dissolves.  In the cases where fillers do cause damage to the lips, there are usually predictable factors. First, if the patient routinely overfilled their lips for a long period of time, this may cause some stretching of the area or even wrinkling. This is quite rare, but possible. Next, an inexperienced or unqualified provider is more likely to cause damage to the lips due to poor quality supplies, bad technique, or use of inauthentic fillers. Finally, while less common now, some people underwent silicone lip injections that used industrial grade silicone. This was one of the top causes of lip damage from fillers for years. To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online via chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.
A Photo For A Blog Post About Procedures For Lifting Droopy Cheeks

The Top 2 Procedures For Lifting Droopy Cheeks

By | Face, Injectable Fillers, Cheek Augmentation

The Top 2 Procedures For Lifting Droopy Cheeks

The main cause of droopy cheeks is aging. While not all people will experience this as they age, it can be exceedingly frustrating for those that do. Fat and skin can descend to throw off facial proportions and cause fullness in the wrong places. Not only can this make a patient look aged, but it weighs down the face. There are treatment options. Here are the top 2 procedures for lifting droopy cheeks.

#1: Midface/Cheek Lift

The cheek equivalent of a facelift, this procedure lifts the descended structures back to their natural positions. It also removes any extra skin which may be contributing to a heavier facial appearance. Out of the various anti-aging facial surgeries, a midface lift is performed on the broadest age range. Additionally, it is also frequently performed with a facelift.

#2: Dermal Fillers

While there are several non-surgical options that can help lift the cheeks, dermal fillers are among one of the most effective and reliable options. In cases where there is little extra skin or the fat has not descended significantly, cheek fillers can help balance out the look of the face. Augmenting the appearance of the cheekbones can promote a balanced and younger looking facial appearance.To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online via chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.
A Photo For A Blog Post About Hand Rejuvenation Treatments For Younger Looking Hands

3 Hand Rejuvenation Treatments For Younger Looking Hands

By | Injectable Fillers, Radiesse
Like the face, the hands tend to age quickly. The skin can lose thickness and laxity. This causes a crepey appearance and also can make the veins and tendons of the hands look more prominent. Several anti-aging treatments for the hands have emerged to both treat and prevent aged-looking hands. Here are 3 hand rejuvenation treatments for younger looking hands. 

#1: Dermal Fillers

 Dermal fillers can plump up the skin to disguise the look of unsightly veins and tendons. Unlike other filler procedures, hand filler is not focused on augmentation, but rather on restoring the look of thickness to the skin of your hand. This is one of the popular hand rejuvenation techniques and both Restylane Lyft and Radiesse are FDA-approved for use in the hands. 

#2: Laser Resurfacing

 Another common option for treating aged hands is with a laser resurfacing procedure. It can either be surgical or non-surgical and it helps improve the quality and appearance of the skin on the skin. This can help reduce age spots and thicken the skin. 

#3: Chemical Peels

 Like how chemical peels are a great prevention tactic for facial aging, they can also help maintain the skin on your hands and prevent aging. The process is essentially the same and a master esthetician can discuss if chemical peels for your hands will provide you the benefits you want. To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online via chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.
A Photo For A Blog Post About Are There Risks Of Long Term Juvederm Use

Are There Risks Of Long Term Juvederm Use?

By | Juvederm®, Injectable Fillers, Injectables
Dermal fillers are one of the safest cosmetic procedures currently available. However, like any medication or treatment, many patients wonder if there are long term effects of regularly Juvederm use. Let’s take a look at the question, “Are there risks of long term Juvederm use?” Generally, most adverse effects or complications of fillers appear within a few weeks of the injections—often much sooner. They are also almost always treatable and leave no permanent effects. The only real long term effects of Juvederm come down to those who scar, have a long lasting inflammatory response, or filler fatigue. Scarring after injections of any kind is rare. However, if done improperly, injured following the injection, or a complication occurs, scarring can happen. There are treatments that can help reduce scarring. This is uncommon. Though, even less common is a long term inflammatory response. If you regularly use fillers, this is unlikely to happen, but in people new to fillers (or a particular filler) inflammatory responses or allergic reactions can last weeks. While most resolve much sooner, it is a rare possibility. The more common long term effect is known as filler fatigue. When you keep up with your filler, sometimes the natural aging process can be shocking when letting filler dissolve out completely. This can be exacerbated by overfilling.  To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online via chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.