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Chemical Peel

What Happens If Your Skin Doesn’t Peel After A Chemical Peel?

By | Chemical Peel New, Chemical Peel
Chemical peels can be nerve-wracking for many people, especially if the treatment does not behave as expected. But, if your chemical peel doesn’t begin peeling, it is not a cause for worry. Healing after a chemical peel can vary from person to person, which does not mean the treatment won’t be effective. Certain factors can also affect the healing process of a chemical peel. 
Chemical Peel

Chemical Peel

Using products like Vitamin C serums, retinol, or your at-home chemical peel treatments can cause the peel not to peel as much as expected. Regular facials or exfoliating products can also reduce the peeling aspect of a chemical peel. Depending on the type of formula and acid used, some patients’ skin may not react as dramatically to the peel as others.  Regardless of why your skin doesn’t peel, it doesn’t mean the treatment isn’t working. The outer layers of the skin may not react, but the deeper tissue is still affected and will produce the desired results. Always allow the treatment adequate time to work before expecting the results, as chemical peels take seven days to two weeks to see results.  To learn more and schedule a consultation with Dr. Jonov, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach us online via our Price Simulator.    
A Photo For A Blog Post About What Are Pros & Cons Of Dermaplaning

What Are Pros & Cons Of Dermaplaning?

By | Skin
Dermaplaning is a non-invasive skin treatment that involves using a surgical blade to lightly and carefully remove dead skin and peach fuzz. When performed by a professional, the procedure does not hurt and can provide the signature “dermaplane glow.” So, what are the pros and cons of dermaplaning?There are many pros of dermaplaning. It helps remove dead skin and unwanted hair as well as helps make subsequent skincare products and treatments more effective. It is the perfect pre-event procedure. The procedure itself is essentially painless and takes under an hour to perform. There are also few risks associated with dermaplaning.The cons of dermaplaning mainly consist of the fact that it provides temporary results. The hair will grow back, the dead skin will accumulate again, and the glow tends to last a week or two. Occasionally, dermaplaning can irritate the skin. While major irritation is rare, the procedure should not be performed on inflamed skin or a major breakout.To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online via chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.
A Photo For A Blog Post About How Often Should I Get A Chemical Peel

How Often Should I Get A Chemical Peel?

By | Chemical Peel, Skin
Chemical peels are a professional exfoliation treatment that uses specific acidic substances to strip dead and damaged skin away. It does this by causing peeling over the course of a few days. They are a great all-around skin treatment and some have anti-aging properties as well. Patients often ask, “How often should I get a chemical peel?”In general, master estheticians recommend waiting at least four to six weeks between chemical peels. This allows the skin to recover and fully heal before creating controlled damage again. Even for light peels, it is best not to have them too often to prevent added irritation or damage.Some patients may also choose to alternate chemical peels with another procedure such as microneedling. In this case, patients will only undergo a chemical peel roughly every eight to twelve weeks. Ultimately, the duration of time between chemical peels depends on the patient’s skin and their goals.To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-775-3561. You can also reach out online via chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.
A Photo For A Blog Post About Who Is Not A Good Candidate For Microblading

Who Is Not A Good Candidate For Microblading?

By | Microblading
Microblading is a semi-permanent brow enhancement technique that uses cosmetic tattooing to provide a natural looking shape and density to the eyebrows. Since this procedure requires a form of tattooing, it is not necessarily a good fit for every patient. So, who is not a good candidate for microblading?While most people interested in microblading are likely good candidates, people with certain medical conditions that cause excessive bleeding or majorly compromise their immune system are likely not good candidates for microblading. These patients may have a higher risk of infection and adverse effects.Additionally, even if a patient is not a higher risk of complications, if they have unrealistic expectations, they may not be a good candidate. While microblading can provide amazing results, it is limited based on the patient’s anatomy and medical history. Thus, if a patient has unrealistic expectations, then a microblading artist may deem that they not a good candidate.To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online via chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.
A Photo For A Blog Post About Why Is Fall The Best Time To Get A Chemical Peel

Why Is Fall The Best Time To Get A Chemical Peel?

By | Chemical Peel, Skin
With fall upon us, it is a great time to undergo skincare procedures that may not be recommended during the summer months. A great example of this is chemical peels which cause the skin to peel and become more sensitive. Chemical peels are a great exfoliant and can be performed year round, but they do require more caution during the summer months. Let’s look at the question, “Why is fall the best time to get a chemical peel?”Since the sun is out more and stronger during the summer, this puts your chemical peel treated skin at risk of damage or further irritation. The skin is especially sensitive to the sun following a chemical peel. Now, of course, UV rays and sunlight do still get through during the fall and winter, but it is much weaker, less frequent, and easier to protect your skin from than the summer sun.Wearing sunscreen whenever you go outside is often enough to protect yourself from the sun during the fall and winter. In the days following your chemical peel, you may consider also wearing a hat, but overall, your skin is much less likely to be damaged by the sun after a chemical peel during the fall and winter months.To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online via chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.
A Photo For A Blog Post About Benefits Of IPL Treatments

3 Benefits Of IPL Treatments

By | Nonsurgical, IPL Photorejuvenation, Skin
IPL—or intense pulsed light—treatment is one of the oldest light-based skin procedures available. While newer lasers have replaced it for certain applications such as laser hair removal, IPL still remains a frontline treatment for many ailments and concerns. Let’s look at three of the benefits of IPL treatments.

#1: Reduces Redness From Rosacea

Rosacea is a type of benign redness and warmth on the cheeks and occasionally other parts of the face. There often is not one identifiable cause and due to this, it can be frustratingly difficult to treat. IPL is known to significantly reduce rosacea redness as well as flare-ups. However, it is not a cure and touch-up treatments are necessary to help maintain results.

#2: Targets Unwanted Red & Brown Spots

Most lasers emit one wavelength at a time to address a specific concern. An IPL laser is a form of light treatment known as broadband light which emits more than one wavelength. This allows IPL to treat two colors of discoloration of the skin—red and brown. Thus, it is one of the most effective treatments for sun damage.

#3: Treats Spider Veins

Spider veins can become visible for a variety of reasons including aging, sun damage, and general thinning of the skin. Red spider veins respond well to IPL treatment and the treated veins should not become visible again.To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online via chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.
A Photo For A Blog Post About Is An Oxygen Facial Good For Oily Skin

Is An Oxygen Facial Good For Oily Skin?

By | Intraceuticals Treatment, Skin
Oily skin can be frustrating to live with and treat. People with oily skin are often more prone to breakouts and inflammation than those with other skin types. When it comes to skincare for oily skin, there are several recommendations that will vary based on the specifics of the patient. However, one frequent suggestion is to double cleanse or deeply cleanse. This is where oxygen facials come into play. Let’s look at the question, “Is an oxygen facial good for oily skin?” An oxygen facial is a deeply cleansing surface professional skincare treatment. It uses highly pressurized oxygen to clean the pores of debris and oily. It also provides moisture to the skin which is sometimes the cause of oily skin. The skin is dry and then the skin overproduces oil. This helps treat that process to hopefully reduce the sebum and oil the skin creates. Oxygen facials are also great for treating mild inflammation due to acne or irritation. The soothing nutrients and treatment may help reduce redness. Therefore, regular oxygen facials can treat oily skin and the issues that arise from it. To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online via chat, contact form, and Price Simulator.
A Photo For A Blog About Is Microblading Painful

Is Microblading Painful?

By | Microblading
Microblading is a growing brow enhancement procedure that grows in popularity every year. Since it provides semi-permanent results, many patients understand that it is going to be a more involved procedure than other brow enhancements such as brow lamination. So, let’s look at one of the most commonly asked questions, “Is microblading painful?”Microblading is technically a form of tattooing. While it does not use exactly the same technology or go as deeply into the skin, it can hurt. Face tattoos are often considered among the most painful. However, our microblading artists use numbing cream to limit the pain felt during the procedure. Overall, patients feel little pain and only slight discomfort during their microblading treatment.In general, microblading is less painful than a tattoo, even without numbing cream. Though, at the Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery, we tend to recommend that all patients get numbing cream because it can be uncomfortable otherwise. It is a two-hour procedure on average, so numbing cream takes the edge off.To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online via chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.
A Photo For A Blog About Can RF Microneedling Cause Scarring

Can RF Microneedling Cause Scarring?

By | RF Microneedling, Skin
Scarring is one of the top concerns of patients undergoing cosmetic procedures, even non-surgical ones. Since RF microneedling is a little more involved than a typical facial and creates controlled damage to the skin, patients sometimes ask, “Can RF microneedling cause scarring?” Technically, yes, RF microneedling can cause scarring. However, it is more commonly used to treat scarring. In cases where scarring occurs there is generally one of two causes. First, the practitioner was not qualified or skilled enough to administer RF microneedling correctly. Secondly, the patient was not a good candidate and the provider should not have moved forward with the procedure. Occasionally, both may contribute. Practitioners who can administer RF microneedling include dermatologists, master estheticians, and plastic/cosmetic surgeons. Generally, you will find it performed by dermatologists or master estheticians. This may also vary by your state. While most people can safely undergo RF microneedling, if a patient is particularly prone to scarring or on certain medications, it may not be a good idea to proceed with treatment. To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online via chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.
A Photo For A Blog Post About What Are The Best Chemical Peels For Acne Scars

What Are The Best Chemical Peels For Acne Scars?

By | VI Peel, Chemical Peel, Skin
Chemical peels treat a variety of skin concerns. From aging to hyperpigmentation, the right chemical peel can improve both the look, health, and quality of your skin. Therefore, a frequent question our master estheticians hear has to do with the best skin peel for a patient’s specific concerns. Let’s look at one variety of this question, “What are the best chemical peels for acne scars?” Often acne scars, especially if years old, require a medium strength peel to see noticeable improvement. A salicylic acid peel is a great option that is commonly used and overall safe for the skin. It can help reduce the appearance of ice pick acne scars. Hypertrophic acne scars are harder to treat with chemical peels. A VI Peel is another amazing option for treating acne prone skin and acne scars. It is a medium strength peel that uses a mixture of acids to help reduce breakouts and the appearance of acne scars. This is often recommended as the gold standard when it comes to chemical peels for acne scars. Your master esthetician may also recommend adding microneedling or another treatment to improve results. To learn more and schedule a free consultation with a master esthetician, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online via chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.