Buccal fat pad removal is a surgery that has gained popularity and prominence in the last few years. Most recently, Chrissy Teigen detailed her choice to have the procedure done. During the short surgery, part or all of the buccal fat pads in the cheeks are removed to create a slimmer face. It is mostly used to treat those who have chubby cheeks into adulthood. Though, there are many motivations for undergoing the procedure. Let’s take a look at one of the most frequently asked questions surrounding the procedure, “What are the risks of buccal fat removal?”First off, buccal fat removal contains all of the same expected risks as any other surgical procedure. This includes risks such as:- Infection
- Adverse reactions to or side effects of the anesthesia
- Bleeding
- Hematoma
- Seroma
- Poor incision healing
- Need for revision surgery
As far as the risks that pertain specifically to buccal fat removal surgery itself, some of the risks include:- Asymmetry
- Damage to facial nerves
- Injury of the salivary duct
- Gaunt appearance
- Too much/too little fat removed
While these risks are present, in an ideal candidate and under the care of a qualified surgeon like Dr. Jonov, they rarely occur. Dr. Jonov will review the risks with you during your consultation. To schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also connect with us online via Price Simulator®, contact form, and chat.

After the face and neck, the hands are often one of the first areas to show age. This can result in hands that appear hollow, look crepey, and have visible veins or tendons. Dermal fillers are one of the best procedures to address this and are quickly becoming a popular procedure. When considering the countless dermal filler options, patients often ask, “What is the best filler for hands?” First, it should be noted that there are two dermal fillers FDA approved for the hands. These are Radiesse and Restylane Lyft. In general, these are the two most popular fillers for the hands and are widely used for this purpose. However, occasionally, other fillers are used off label in the hands. Radiesse is a longer lasting, semi-permanent filler. This comes with various advantages and disadvantages. It is best for those with a more severe hand appearance or those used to and familiar with dermal fillers. Restylane Lyft is a hyaluronic acid filler. This means that it may not last as long, but is reversible and comes with less risk. Lyft is great for patients seeking hand filler for the first time. Overall, the best hand filler for you is best determined by your injector based on your goals, anatomy, and medical history. To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online using Price Simulator®, chat, or contact form.

Breast augmentation patients have many individual and personalized goals. For example, some want only a modest increase in size, while others want to go as large as they can. Though, many patients agree that they want their breasts to feel natural following the procedure. What type of breast implant feels the most natural?Luckily, modern breast implants offer options that feel and look natural. In general, there are two categories of breast implants: saline and silicone. Silicone also contains two types: traditional silicone and gummy bear. Depending on the current size and anatomy of your breasts as well as what you consider the most natural feel, this will determine the right implant for you. Most women consider saline implants as the least natural feeling option. However, for women who already have a good amount of breast tissue, saline implants can provide a natural look and feel, especially when placed under the muscle. Silicone implants were designed to feel natural and are generally considered to be the most natural option. The newest generation of silicone implants, gummy bear implants, contain a cohesive gel that mimics the feel of the breasts. The anatomical or teardrop shape is also meant to take on the natural slope of the breasts.Dr. Jonov can discuss what implant type may best benefit you during a consultation. To schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online using Price Simulator®, chat, or contact form.

Having children after plastic surgery is one of the most frequently asked questions in our consultation rooms. For certain surgeries, such as tummy tuck, Dr. Jonov will almost always recommend waiting until you are done having children before the procedure. Other surgeries like breast augmentation bellevue, it is perfectly fine to have kids after. Though, having children will almost always impact the look of your results. Let’s take a look at a procedure not always talked about in this discussion, “Can you still have children after a BBL?”The answer is generally yes. There is nothing risky about pregnancy or having kids, as long as you have fully recovered. Though, like with other surgeries, it does have the potential to alter your results permanently. Usually, the buttocks are not too affected by the changes associated with childrearing. However, the areas of liposuction can be. Additionally, you may see the weight come in in other areas not treated with liposuction.Unlike a tummy tuck though, the overall results of a Brazilian butt lift are not typically undone by having kids. You can expect to maintain the fullness and shape of your booty after pregnancy. Other factors can influence this such as weight loss or gain, medical conditions, etc. Most patients see no major changes in their buttocks following pregnancy. To schedule a free consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online via Price Simulator®, chat, or contact form.
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