A Photo For A Blog Post About Does A Mommy Makeover Include BBL

Does A Mommy Makeover Include BBL?

By | Body, Mommy Makeover, Brazilian Butt Lift
Mommy makeover surgery is one of the most popular procedures among middle-aged women who have had children. Due to damage from having children and aging, the body can lose volume and skin quality which both ages the body and affects overall contours. A mommy makeover can restore youthful body contours. However, does a mommy makeover include a BBL?   Traditionally, a mommy makeover includes a breast procedure and an abdominal procedure. Beyond that, it will vary from patient to patient. Sometimes, a Brazilian butt lift, or BBL, is included in this. The buttocks can lose volume with age, or perhaps a patient has always wanted to enhance their backside, and this presents an ideal opportunity.   If liposuction is already part of a mommy makeover, adding the BBL is much easier and does not require much more surgical time. However, not all patients will be good candidates for a Brazilian butt lift or combining it with a mommy makeover.   To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online via chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.
A Photo For A Blog Post About What Is The Difference Between A Tummy Tuck And Panniculectomy

What Is The Difference Between A Tummy Tuck & Panniculectomy?

By | Tummy Tuck, Body
A tummy tuck—known as an abdominoplasty—and a panniculectomy are two similar procedures that often confuse patients. Both do have medical and cosmetic benefits in many situations and are even performed together in many circumstances. Let’s look at the question, “What is the difference between a tummy tuck and panniculectomy?”   A panniculectomy removes the “pannus” which is a flap of skin that usually extends over the abdomen, genital area, and sometimes even the thighs following massive weight loss or childbirth. Obviously, this much extra skin can cause various problems and should be removed.    A tummy tuck, however, focuses more on tightening the abdominal muscles and removing extra skin from the abdomen. Sometimes, if there is enough skin, this skin removal may technically be a panniculectomy. However, many tummy tuck patients will not have a full pannus.   To learn more and find out if you are a candidate for a tummy tuck, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online via chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.
A Photo For A Blog Post About How Do I Prepare For A Tummy Tuck

How Do I Prepare For A Tummy Tuck?

By | Tummy Tuck, Body
When thinking about getting a tummy tuck, most people are focused on recovery. However, preparing for your tummy tuck surgery is just as important and can help you have a quicker and easier recovery. So, what exactly do you do before a tummy tuck? Here are some tips related to the question, “How do I prepare for a tummy tuck?” First, preparing for a tummy tuck will look slightly different for each patient. Depending on your medical history and conditions, Dr. Jonov may require clearances and examinations by specialists or your normal doctor. Dr. Jonov may also alter your medications temporarily, usually, this is in the weeks directly before surgery. Second, every patient will need to handle the logistics. After a tummy tuck, patients need to rest and cannot lift anything above a certain amount. Therefore, it is recommended that you make childcare arrangements, thoroughly clean, handle lodging and travel, and get adequate time off work.  Finally, on the day of surgery, wear comfortable loose clothing. Also, follow the given instructions about when to stop eating and drinking before surgery. To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online via chat, contact form, and Price Simulator.
A Photo For A Blog Post About Can You Walk After A Thigh Lift

Can You Walk After A Thigh Lift?

By | Body, Thigh Lift
A thigh lift is a plastic surgery procedure that involves removing extra skin and stubborn fat pockets from the thighs. While it most commonly treats the inner thighs, it can treat any area of the thighs. While many want to address this area, many patients express concern about their recovery. Let’s look at one commonly asked question, “Can you walk after a thigh lift?”   You likely will not feel like walking immediately after surgery and may need help for the first day or two. However, usually within a few days, patients can get up and walk on their own. However, it is important not to do any more than light walking as you do not want to put a strain on your incisions or healing tissues.   Avoid running, stretching, or lifting with your legs. Regular exercise can usually begin about six to eight weeks after surgery. Though, most patients can return to their daily activities in about two to three weeks depending on the extent of their surgery. Ultimately, each recovery period is different based on the patient.   To learn more about thigh lift surgery, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online via chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.
A Photo For A Blog Post About Does A BBL Leave Scars

Does A BBL Leave Scars?

By | Body, Brazilian Butt Lift
Brazilian butt lift surgery is known for being less invasive than previous forms of buttock augmentation. Unlike placing implants, it does not involve large incisions. However, patients do still have concerns about the potential for scarring with a BBL surgery, which is a common concern shared among most plastic surgery patients. Let’s take a look at the question, “Does a BBL leave scars?” First, it’s important to understand how a BBL works. It uses liposuction to remove fat from other areas of the body and then transfers them to the buttocks. To achieve this, tiny incisions are necessary in the areas where fat is harvested and to insert the fat into the buttocks. While these do have the opportunity to scar, they generally fade rather quickly. Additionally, the scars are often hidden in natural folds or creases of the body to disguise them, regardless of if they scar or not. If you are prone to raised scarring, you may have a higher risk of developing any type of visible scarring following a BBL. Make sure to discuss this with Dr. Jonov before your procedure. To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online via Price Simulator, chat, or contact form.
A Photo For A Blog Post About Can You Do Renuvion Without Liposuction

Can You Do Renuvion Without Liposuction?

By | Body, Liposuction
Renuvion–also known as J Plasma–is a skin tightening procedure that uses radiofrequency and helium plasma technology to promote tighter, younger skin. While not entirely non-surgical, it is non-invasive and can be performed under local anesthesia. The recovery and downtime is also minimal, especially when compared to more invasive options. Often paired with liposuction patients sometimes ask, “Can you do Renuvion without liposuction?”   Yes, Renuvion, while usually performed with liposuction, can be performed in isolation. Renuvion and liposuction have two different goals, even though they often come together. Renuvion tightens the skin while liposuction removes fat. If you do not have extra fat to be removed, Renuvion is great for tightening up the skin. Additionally, if loose skin is not a concern, but fat is, liposuction can be performed.    However, it is almost always a good idea to use Renuvion if you are a candidate for liposuction. After liposuction, the skin must retract to match the new contours of the body area. Renuvion aids this process and can improve the results of liposuction.   To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online via Price Simulator, chat, and contact form.
A Photo For A Blog Post About Does Liposuction Cause Saggy Skin

Does Liposuction Cause Saggy Skin?

By | Body, Liposuction
Fat loss–whether to age or dieting–is one of the main factors in causing saggy skin. While this can happen at any age, it is especially common after pregnancy and in older adults. Knowing that fat loss contributes to this, it is logical for many patients to ask, “Does liposuction cause saggy skin?”   The answer is no, though it can if not performed correctly or on the right patient. The best liposuction candidates are those who only need a small amount of fat removed and who still have good skin elasticity. This means that the skin can still retract easily and is likely to retract after fat removal. Younger patients tend to have better skin elasticity than older patients.   If liposuction is performed on a patient with poor skin elasticity, or too much fat is removed, the skin may not adequately retract. This can lead to loose, saggy skin and the need for another procedure to remove this. Commonly, many patients will come in for abdominal liposuction, only to find out that they would benefit best from a tummy tuck for these reasons.   It should be noted that even in ideal patients, it will take several months for the skin to fully retract. Wearing a compression garment and following post-operative instructions are the best way to promote optimal skin retraction.    To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online via Price Simulator, chat, and contact form.
A Photo Of A Blog Post About Does Lipo Leave Scars

Does Lipo Leave Scars?

By | Body, Liposuction
When comparing liposuction to procedures like a tummy tuck, liposuction consists of small, minimal incisions. While liposuction typically does require some incisions, it is a much less invasive procedure than one that removes skin. Naturally, this leads to questions like, “Does lipo leave scars?” The answer is that it depends. The average incision size for liposuction is about a quarter inch. Some may even be as small as an eighth of an inch, with most not getting larger than half an inch. Though, liposuction can treat multiple areas at once, meaning that there may be multiple incision points. Generally, they are located in natural creases of the body.  While these incisions can scar, in most cases they heal well. Regardless, Dr. Jonov will do his best to hide the incisions in creases or places that undergarments should cover. If you are prone to hypertrophic or keloid scars, it is important to discuss this with Dr. Jonov during your consultation. Based on your medical history, previous scar history, and other factors, Dr. Jonov can determine what you can expect from liposuction scars. In most patients, the scars heal well and fade. Scar Protocol treatment can also help. To schedule a consultation, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online via Price Simulator, chat, or contact form.
A Photo For A Blog Post About Inner Thigh Lift vs. Vertical Thigh Lift

Inner Thigh Lift vs. Vertical Thigh Lift: Which Is Best For You?

By | Body, Thigh Lift, Body Contouring
The thighs are a common area that women tend to hang onto stubborn fat, especially the inner/upper thigh. For some patients, liposuction of the thighs is enough to clear away this stubborn fat and leave the patient with the thinner thighs they desire. However, sometimes if a patient has lost a significant amount of weight, extra skin can appear on the thighs. Unfortunately, liposuction cannot address this. This is when a thigh lift may be necessary to achieve the look they want. Patients, once learning their options, often ask, “What’s the difference between an inner thigh lift vs. vertical thigh lift?” The main difference between an inner thigh lift and a vertical thigh lift is the extent of the procedure. An inner thigh lift mainly only removes skin from the inner, upper thigh. This is among the most troublesome area and some patients may only need to address this area for a good result. Conversely, a vertical thigh lift incision extends further down the thigh and addresses a larger area. This procedure is usually performed when extra skin is present further down the thigh as well as the inner thigh. Beyond this, the two procedures are strikingly similar and both use virtually the same incision. To find out whether an inner or vertical thigh lift is right for you, schedule a consultation by calling 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online at Price Simulator®, chat, and contact form.
A Photo For A Blog Post About What Is The Difference Between Abdominoplasty and Fleur de Lis

What Is The Difference Between Abdominoplasty and Fleur de Lis?

By | Tummy Tuck, Body
An abdominoplasty, also known as a tummy tuck, is a popular plastic surgery that involves removing extra skin and small portions of fat from the abdomen. However, not all tummy tucks are the same, there are several different types. The most common are mini, standard, and extended tummy tucks. There is a less frequently performed technique called a fleur de lis tummy tuck. What is the difference between abdominoplasty and fleur de lis?   A standard abdominoplasty uses an incision that spans along the lower abdomen. The extent of the incision depends on the type of tummy tuck, but the most common is one that goes from hip to hip. A fleur de lis tummy tuck also uses this incision, but also includes a vertical incision, creating a shape similar to a fleur de lis. The length of both the horizontal and vertical incisions depends on the patient’s goals and anatomy.   Dr. Jonov may recommend a fleur de lis tummy tuck if the extra skin extends up to the waist or upper abdomen. It is common for patients who have lost massive amounts of weight to benefit greatly from this tummy tuck technique. While the incisions and subsequent scarring have a chance of being more extensive, the procedure can completely change the look of the body, especially in clothing.   To find out whether a traditional tummy tuck or a fleur de lis abdominoplasty is best for you, schedule a consultation with Dr. Jonov at The Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery. He specializes in the fleur de lis technique and has widely performed the procedure. To schedule, call us at 425-775-3561. You can also reach out online via Price Simulator®, chat, or contact form.